2011 RPMIA Inc. Annual Meeting
Wednesday, January 26th, 2011
6:00 Social w/ drinks and snacks
6:30 Annual Meeting
7:30 Adjourn (home in time for American Idol)
Please try to attend this meeting to discuss the business of your homeowner's association. If you plan to attend the meeting, please bring the information sheet you received in the mail with you to the meeting.
RPMIA, Inc Minutes to our last HOA meeting (2010)
RPMIA, Inc. Meeting
March 3, 2010 7:00 PM
Waterford Golf Club
Mark Byrd, President, Riverbend Plantation Development Company, Inc. opened the meeting by welcoming all in attendance and thanking all homeowners for choosing Riverbend Plantation as their place of residence. Byrd also thanked Waterford Golf Club for hosting the RPMIA Meeting and introduced members of the head table: Stephanie Bailey, RPMIA Inc. Board Member; Brad Schlenker, RPMIA Inc. Board Member; Robert Causey, Vice President, RPDC, Inc.; Dave Davidson, Shareholder, RPDC, Inc.; Sophie Lee, Office Manager, Byrd and Company, LLC, Emily Fowler, Byrd and Company, LLC.
Byrd gave a brief overview of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the RPMIA, Inc. Copies of both were available at the meeting or by request from Byrd and Company, LLC. Byrd stated that all property owners in Riverbend Plantation are members of the RPMIA, Inc. and that the two functions of the general membership of the Association are 1.) To elect two members to the five member RPMIA, Inc. Board of Directors and 2.) To raise the annual dues, if needed, from the $125 annual fee as stated in the Riverbend Plantation Protective Covenants. Byrd added that maintenance of all entrance and common areas would be at the highest level possible.
Byrd presented the minutes from January 29, 2009, RPMIA, Inc. Annual meeting. After a motion by Causey and a second by Davidson, the minutes were unanimously approved by the RPMIA Board.
Byrd announced that the combination of homeowners in attendance, homeowners voting by proxy, and RPD, Inc. votes constituted a quorum allowing the Association to conduct business.
Byrd announced that the 2010 RPD, Inc. appointments for the RPMIA, Inc. Board are Mark Byrd, Robert Causey, and Dave Davidson. Brandan Brown was elected by unanimous vote to serve as the Seat One representative on the RPMIA, Inc. Board. Brad Schlenker was elected by unanimous vote to serve as the Seat Two representative on the RPMIA, Inc. Board. Byrd thanked Stephanie Bailey for her service to the RPMIA, Inc. Board.
Davidson presented the following slate of officers to be elected by the Board: Mark Byrd, President; Brad Schlenker, Vice President; Robert Causey, Secretary/Treasurer. Causey seconded the motion. The Board approved slate of officers unanimously.
Byrd gave a line item review of the RPMIA, Inc. financial statement and income and expense report. After a motion and a second from the floor, the proposed budget and $125 annual dues fee were unanimously approved by the RPMIA general membership. (financial statement, income and expense report attached). The 2010 annual budget reflects the removal of the street light expense from the Association budget. Future street light expense will be included on each lot owner’s monthly power bill upon completion of “Consent to Covenant Street Lighting Form” by all Riverbend Plantation lot owners.
Byrd stated that the amenity area had been successfully in operation for 2009. He thanked all RP residents for their compliance with the rules and regulations allowing this to be an enjoyable asset for all RP homeowners. He also thanked the following members of the pool committee for their service: Bill Ott and Dave Davidson. Byrd announced that copies of the modified Rules and Regulations document were available at the meeting or at Byrd and Company. Byrd offered a sample of events that could be held at the Clubhouse, noting that volunteers from RP residents would be important in executing these types of events.
Davidson reported that the pool had been shut down two times due to resident negligence. He further explained the regulatory process and encouraged all residents to contact Byrd and Company any time an “accident” occurs at the pool. Davidson reminded homeowners that the clubhouse and pool is a “self policing” asset and thanked all for taking pride in maintenance of facility.
Byrd thanked the following members of the social committee: Stephanie Bailey, Shelly Caffey, Angie Hughes, Leslie Griffin, Tina Tomlinson, and Amy Byrd. RPMIA, Inc. and RPD Inc. co-hosted four successful events in 2009: Easter Egg Hunt, Luau, Movie Night, Cookies with Santa. The social committee welcomes any new ideas or volunteers to serve on this committee.
Byrd reported that covenant enforcement is one of the most challenging and most important functions of the development company and homeowner’s association. He stated that the development company attempts to use “common sense” when enforcing covenants. He thanked all Riverbend Plantation homeowners for their compliance with the community covenants.
In response to questions or concerns voiced by homeowners prior to the Association meeting. Byrd clarified existing covenants/policies regarding the follow items.
ATV Traffic. Byrd reminded residents that no vehicle or ATV traffic is permitted past the end(s) of pavement (onto vacant land) at any time. Vacant land could be accessed by Riverbend Plantation residents only and only by walking or bicycling. Byrd also reminded residents that riding ATV’s on public streets was a violation of county laws and would be enforced by the Houston County Sheriff’s Department.
Equipment trailers are not to be stored on any lot at any time, unless stored in an attached garage or approved outbuilding. Trailers prohibited from storage in subdivision include, but are not limited to, open or covered utility trailers, boat or PWC trailers, RV’s or campers. Approved outbuildings are permitted to store trailers. At present, there is not a “common area” location available to store trailers within the subdivision.
Pet Management. Byrd stated that all homeowners are reminded to be considerate of others when managing their pets. At no time should pets be allowed to roam the subdivision unattended. Residents with complaints concerning pets are encouraged to contact Houston County Animal Control.
Byrd announced that the Board would be seeking volunteers to serve on the following committees: Pool, Social, Covenant. Byrd noted that the committees would serve in an advisory capacity to the RPMIA, Inc. Board.
Byrd announced that the RPD, Inc. would be offering a “referral program” to all existing Riverbend Plantation homeowners. Any homeowner referring a lot sale prospect to the company would be eligible for a 2% referral fee at closing. Referral fee would be based on net lot sales price and will be payable at closing. All referrals must be named on lot sales contract at execution of contract.
In new business, Byrd reminded everyone to take the time to sign up for the RPMIA, Inc. blog at http://riverbendplantation.blogspot.com. The blog is a great way to keep informed on information and events going on at Riverbend. Thanks go out to Sharon Smith-Rodriguez for her work on the blog!
In other new business, Byrd reported on the HCBOE high school zoning process. The RPMIA Board solicited feedback from Riverbend residents concerning their opinions on high school zoning. One hundred percent of those responding were in favor of Riverbend being zoned for VHS. With that information, the Development Company and Association partnered to lobby the school board on Riverbend’s behalf. Thanks go out to the many residents that were included in this process. Also, a special thank you goes out to the members of the HCBOE for listening to the concerns of their constituents.
Byrd addressed the following issues from the RPMIA general membership:
Construction trash. The Riverbend builders do a good job of maintaining clean job sites. However, construction trash will blow from lot to lot on windy days. Byrd will remind all builders to manage their active construction site as neatly as possible.
Blog links. This issue was referred to the social committee to consider at a later date.
Temporary turnaround at Altamaha Way. Turnaround needs refurbishing. Byrd announced that work will be done in next 45 days or so.
Event notification. Annual Meeting notices were mailed late this year. Next year we will send a “save the date” notice in December and the official meeting notice approximately two weeks prior to annual meeting. Annual meeting information will also be available on the Riverbend blog.
Byrd again thanked all homeowners for their attendance and for choosing to purchase their homes in Riverbend Plantation. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
2011 RPMIA Inc. Annual Meeting Reminder
2011 RPMIA Inc. Annual Meeting
Wednesday, January 26th, 2011
6:00 Social w/ drinks and snacks
6:30 Annual Meeting
7:30 Adjourn (home in time for American Idol)
Please try to attend this meeting to discuss the business of your homeowner's association. If you plan to attend the meeting, please bring the information sheet you received in the mail with you to the meeting.
If you do not plan to attend the meeting, please return the information sheet and signed proxy to: RPMIA Inc., 309 Margie Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088. The original deadline to return all proxies was Monday, January 24th, but we will accept proxies until 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 26th. The Board recommends that you designate "Riverbend Board" as your proxy, or, you may designate another RP homeowner attending the meeting to act as your proxy. We must have a majority of homeowners either attend the meeting or vote by proxy to conduct the business of the Association.
Hope to see you all Wednesday!
Wednesday, January 26th, 2011
6:00 Social w/ drinks and snacks
6:30 Annual Meeting
7:30 Adjourn (home in time for American Idol)
Please try to attend this meeting to discuss the business of your homeowner's association. If you plan to attend the meeting, please bring the information sheet you received in the mail with you to the meeting.
If you do not plan to attend the meeting, please return the information sheet and signed proxy to: RPMIA Inc., 309 Margie Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088. The original deadline to return all proxies was Monday, January 24th, but we will accept proxies until 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 26th. The Board recommends that you designate "Riverbend Board" as your proxy, or, you may designate another RP homeowner attending the meeting to act as your proxy. We must have a majority of homeowners either attend the meeting or vote by proxy to conduct the business of the Association.
Hope to see you all Wednesday!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Street Lighting Update - HOA Fee Implications
As of today’s date, we have 196 of 204 (96%) lot owners “consent to covenant street lighting” forms on file. Without 100% participation, we cannot proceed with the transfer. Therefore, the RPMIA, Inc. Board is recommending that the 2011 annual dues assessment to be levied at $185. per homeowner.
The RPMIA, Inc. membership approved transfer of the street light expense from the Association to each individual lot owner’s monthly power bill remains a work in progress. In order to complete this process, we must have 100% participation from each lot owner in the subdivision. Currently, we have approximately 10 lot owners who have not signed the agreement and returned it to Flint Energies.
If every lot owner participates, each individual lot owner will be charged $3.37 per month, or $40.44 annually, for subdivision street lighting. As a result our Association dues would remain $125 per year.
If every lot owner does not participate, the RPMIA Inc. Board will be forced to increase its annual dues assessment to pay for the street light expense. The Flint Energies monthly rate for street lighting is higher to a homeowners association than it is to individual lot owners. Therefore, if 100 % of Riverbend lot owners do not participate in the transfer, the increase in dues will exceed the $3.37 monthly charge, or $40.44 annual amount, that would be payable by each lot owner. If every lot owner does not participate, the 2011 dues increase will be an estimated $60. Per lot owner, raising our annual dues assessment from $125. To $185. Simply put, it is cheaper for each lot owner to pay for the lighting on your monthly power bill than it is to pay for the lights through our annual Association dues!
The deadline to participate in the transfer is December 31, 2010. If we do not have 100% participation by that date, the RPMIA, Inc. Board will proceed with budgeting that will include an Association dues increase. If you have not done so already, please contact Melanie at Flint Energies (988-3548) to complete your transfer paperwork.
As of today’s date, we have 196 of 204 (96%) lot owners “consent to covenant street lighting” forms on file. Without 100% participation, we cannot proceed with the transfer. Therefore, the RPMIA, Inc. Board is recommending that the 2011 annual dues assessment to be levied at $185. per homeowner.
The RPMIA, Inc. membership approved transfer of the street light expense from the Association to each individual lot owner’s monthly power bill remains a work in progress. In order to complete this process, we must have 100% participation from each lot owner in the subdivision. Currently, we have approximately 10 lot owners who have not signed the agreement and returned it to Flint Energies.
If every lot owner participates, each individual lot owner will be charged $3.37 per month, or $40.44 annually, for subdivision street lighting. As a result our Association dues would remain $125 per year.
If every lot owner does not participate, the RPMIA Inc. Board will be forced to increase its annual dues assessment to pay for the street light expense. The Flint Energies monthly rate for street lighting is higher to a homeowners association than it is to individual lot owners. Therefore, if 100 % of Riverbend lot owners do not participate in the transfer, the increase in dues will exceed the $3.37 monthly charge, or $40.44 annual amount, that would be payable by each lot owner. If every lot owner does not participate, the 2011 dues increase will be an estimated $60. Per lot owner, raising our annual dues assessment from $125. To $185. Simply put, it is cheaper for each lot owner to pay for the lighting on your monthly power bill than it is to pay for the lights through our annual Association dues!
The deadline to participate in the transfer is December 31, 2010. If we do not have 100% participation by that date, the RPMIA, Inc. Board will proceed with budgeting that will include an Association dues increase. If you have not done so already, please contact Melanie at Flint Energies (988-3548) to complete your transfer paperwork.
As of today’s date, we have 196 of 204 (96%) lot owners “consent to covenant street lighting” forms on file. Without 100% participation, we cannot proceed with the transfer. Therefore, the RPMIA, Inc. Board is recommending that the 2011 annual dues assessment to be levied at $185. per homeowner.
Info For Annual Meeting 1/26/11
The annual meeting of the Riverbend Plantation Maintenance and Improvement Association will be held on the following date:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Waterford South Golf Club
6:00 PM Social
6:30 PM Meeting
7:30 PM Adjourn
Please plan to attend this meeting to discuss the business of your homeowners association. Nominations will be accepted for two members of the five member RPMIA, Inc. Board of Directors. This Board will conduct the business of the Association. Brandan Brown (Seat One) and Brad Schlenker (Seat Two) have both agreed to be nominated for re-election to The RPMIA, Inc. Board of Directors. Additional nominations may be made prior to the Association’s general membership meeting and should be submitted on the attached form no later than Monday, January 24, 2011. This year we will be electing an “Alternate Board Member”. The Alternate will serve in the place of any Board Member unable to fulfill his/her term. Please designate “Seat One”, “Seat Two”, or “Alternate” for any nominations.
2010 was an exciting year for Riverbend Plantation! In spite of the challenges facing the residential real estate market, we were able to add 22 new homeowners to our community. The partnership between the Association (RPMIA, Inc.) and the Development Company (RPD, Inc.) allowed us to continue to provide superior maintenance to our entrance, amenity, and common areas throughout Riverbend Plantation. The Development Company’s intense inventory control and commitment to quality builders has enabled Riverbend to be one of the few subdivisions in Middle Georgia with stable home values. This superior maintenance of all privately owned property and community common areas coupled with price stability within our development protects each and every homeowner’s investment in Riverbend Plantation!
The Clubhouse has proven to be a focal point for social activity within Riverbend Plantation. In 2010, the facility played host to numerous private functions, and several RPMIA, Inc. sponsored events including the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Luau, Evening with Santa, and Ladies Gift Swap events. Daily use of the pool and playground areas continue to be value-added to the quality of life of all Riverbend Plantation residents.
With the help of RP homeowners Kris and Sharon Rodriguez we were able to maintain an association blog. This blog has been used to keep RP homeowners informed of the many happenings around the subdivision. If you have not signed up for the blog already, please sign up at: http://riverbendplantation.blogspot.com.
All in all, it has been a very busy and a very good year. Thanks go out to the many RP homeowner volunteers who have contributed their time and energy for the benefit of our community!
While Riverbend Plantation has enjoyed many successes, we are not without challenges and opportunities. The Riverbend Plantation Development Group, (RPD, Inc.) is entering its eighth year of ownership of our development. RPD, Inc. has generously funded as much as 100% of the RPMIA, Inc. operational budget (in years 2004 and 2005), and most recently funded 63% of the 2010 budget while owning only 10% of the developed lots in the subdivision. The original sales projections estimated that entering calendar year 2011 Riverbend Plantation would have between 250 and 300 residents in the subdivision. Currently, we have 169.
Looking to the future, the Association and the Development Group share many common beliefs:
1) That superior maintenance of all private property and community common areas is critical in protecting each and every homeowner’s investment in Riverbend Plantation.
2) That in spite of the current economic challenges, the quality of our development will continue to allow for sales activity adding new residents to our community each year.
3) That it is important to maintain a cap of $125. per homeowner in annual dues.
4) That it is important for the Association and the Development Group to more equitably share the operating costs of maintaining the development.
At the 2010 RPMIA, Inc. Annual Meeting, the general membership unanimously approved the transfer of the street light expense from the Association’s budget to each individual lot owner’s monthly power bill. This transfer would allow the Association to maintain its annual dues assessment at $125 per homeowner. In order to complete this process, Flint Energies requires 100% participation from each lot owner in the subdivision. Regretfully, as of today’s date, we have 196 of 204 lot owners agreeable to the transfer. (please see attached flyer for more detail).
Since every lot owner has not chosen to participate in this transfer, the RPMIA, Inc. Board will be forced to increase its annual dues assessment to pay for the street light expense. The Board is recommending that the 2011 dues assessment be levied at $185. per homeowner. In comparison to other subdivisions throughout Houston County, the Board is certain that this annual dues rate continues to provide significant value to each and every homeowner in Riverbend Plantation (see attached comparison). The general membership will have the opportunity to vote on the 2011 budget and dues assessment at the January 26th meeting.
If you plan to attend the meeting, please bring the attached information sheet with you to the meeting. If you do not plan to attend the meeting, please return the attached information sheet and signed proxy to: RPMIA Inc., 309 Margie Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088, no later than Monday, January 24, 2011. If you do not plan to attend the meeting, the Board recommends that you designate “Riverbend Board” as your proxy, or, you may designate another RP homeowner attending the meeting to act as your proxy. We must have a majority of homeowners either attend the meeting or vote by proxy in order to conduct the business of the Association.
Invoices for the 2011 annual dues assessment will be mailed February 1st. Payments will be due no later than February 28th to avoid a late charge.
Please telephone the office at 478-971-2600 if you have any questions regarding the Association meeting.
Minutes, meeting agenda, and budget available online at http://riverbendplantation.blogspot.com
Legal name of property owner __________________________________
Name of residents (if different) __________________________________
Street address ________________________________________________
Telephone number (optional) ___________________________________
E-mail address (optional) _______________________________________
I would like to make the following nomination to the Riverbend Plantation Maintenance and Improvement Association Board of Directors: ______________________________.
This nomination is for (please circle one) “seat one”, “seat two”, “alternate”.
I would like to designate _______________________ to serve as my proxy at the 2010 Riverbend Plantation Maintenance and Improvement Association meeting.
Signature of property owner _____________________________.
If you do not plan to attend the meeting, please return the attached information sheet and signed proxy to:
HOA Comparison
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