Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Annual meeting - Riverbend Plantation Maintenance and Improvement Association

THE 2012 HOA DUES ARE $125.00. Please bring to meeting or mail to address below.

Riverbend Plantation Maintenance and Improvement Association, Inc.

309 Margie Drive
Warner Robins, Ga. 31088
478-971-2600 Office
478-971-2602 Fax
To: All Riverbend Plantation Home Owners (as of December 31, 2011)

Fr: RPMIA, INC. Board of Directors

The annual meeting of the Riverbend Plantation Maintenance and Improvement Association will be held on the following date:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Waterford South Golf Club
6:00 PM Social
6:30 PM Meeting
7:30 PM Adjourn

Please plan to attend this meeting to discuss the business of your homeowners association. Nominations will be accepted for two members of the five member RPMIA, Inc. Board of Directors. This Board will conduct the business of the Association. Nominations may be made prior to the Association’s general membership meeting and should be submitted on the attached form no later than Monday, January 23, 2012. This year we will be electing an “Alternate Board Member”. The Alternate will serve in the place of any Board Member unable to fulfill his/her term. Please designate “Seat One”, “Seat Two”, or “Alternate” for any nominations.

If you plan to attend the meeting, please bring the attached information sheet with you to the meeting. If you do not plan to attend the meeting, please return the attached information sheet and signed proxy to: RPMIA Inc., 309 Margie Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088, no later than Monday, January 23, 2012. If you do not plan to attend the meeting, the Board recommends that you designate “Riverbend Board” as your proxy, or, you may designate another RP homeowner attending the meeting to act as your proxy. We must have a majority of homeowners either attend the meeting or vote by proxy in order to conduct the business of the Association.
All 2012 HOA assessments will be due no later than January 25th, 2012 to avoid a late charge.

Minutes, meeting agenda, and budget available online at http://riverbendplantation.blogspot.com
on (or about) January 18, 2012.

Please telephone the office at 478-971-2600 if you have any questions regarding the Association meeting.


Legal name of property owner __________________________________

Name of residents (if different) __________________________________

Street address ________________________________________________

Telephone number (optional) ___________________________________

E-mail address (optional) _______________________________________

I would like to make the following nomination to the Riverbend Plantation Maintenance and Improvement Association Board of Directors: ______________________________.

This nomination is for (please circle one) “seat one”, “seat two”, “alternate”.

I would like to designate _______________________ to serve as my proxy at the 2012 Riverbend Plantation Maintenance and Improvement Association meeting.

Signature of property owner _____________________________.

If you plan to attend the meeting, please bring the attached information sheet with you to the meeting. If you do not plan to attend the meeting, please return the attached information sheet and signed proxy to: RPMIA Inc., 309 Margie Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088, no later than Monday, January 23, 2012. If you do not plan to attend the meeting, the Board recommends that you designate “Riverbend Board” as your proxy, or, you may designate another RP homeowner attending the meeting to act as your proxy. We must have a majority of homeowners either attend the meeting or vote by proxy in order to conduct the business of the Association. All 2012 HOA assessments will be due no later than January 25th, 2012 to avoid a late charge.