Monday, December 13, 2010

Smith Family Cemetery, A note from Anthony B. Cooper



To All Volunteers -
First of all, I want to thank each of you for your hard work and dedication to the heritage of this area and taking care of those who pioneered this great country so many years ago. It was wonderful to see the youngsters out participating in such a great project. I have updated most of the photos to the memorials created on the website and will continue to work in restoring the headstones in bringing them back to a presentable fashion. I would ask that no one attempt to work at this site without working with me as I am wanting to document as much as possible to insure everything is documented via photos, etc. for the future of this wonderful part of Riverbend Plantation for all to enjoy for many years to come. I have the support of Mark Byrd, Dave Davidson and all of the developers and builders to continue with this project and I will be coordinating all of the efforts regarding the Smith Family Cemetery with the Riverbend Plantation Developers to ensure we complete this project in the proper fashion and create a memorial for those interred in our community.

I have attached some before and after shots of the cemetery we worked so deligently on and again I cannot express my excitement in the beginning of such a project and again thanks to all of those who were there to work and show their support. May you all have a wonderful and safe Holiday season and anytime anyone would like to do a little work in the cemetery just let me know and I will be there. Merry Christmas to All;

Anyone having suggestions, ideas, questions or just comments on this project, please feel free to contact me. Thanks again to all,

-Anthony B. Cooper
1003 Chattahoochee Drive
Bonaire, Georgia 31005

Monday, December 6, 2010


RPMIA, INC., 309 Margie Drive ,Warner Robins, GA 31088 (478) 971-2600

Brandan Brown Brad Schlenker Robert Causey ajschlenker vcausey407

Dave Davidson Mark Byrd byrdnco


We need you! There will be a subdivision wide volunteer effort to clean up the cemetery area located on the south end of Hiwassee Drive in The Meadow. We will meet at 8:00 a.m. on December 11th at the cemetery site to begin work. Bring your gloves and tools if you are interested in participating in this cleanup effort. For more information you can contact Tony Cooper at; subject field: cemetery. To learn more about the cemetery, check out and enter “Smith Family Cemetery”.

Santa Claus is coming to Riverbend! Santa will be at the Riverbend Plantation clubhouse on December 15th from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Please see the attached flyer for more details.

Attention all Riverbend ladies! You are invited to a “Ladies Christmas Gift Swap” to be held December 14th from 6:00 – 8 :00 PM at the Riverbend Plantation Clubhouse. Please see attached flyer for more details.

Save the date! The 2011 RPMIA, Inc. Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 26th from 6:00-8:00 PM at Waterford Golf Club on Hwy 96. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Stay informed! Riverbend resident Sharon Smith-Rodriguez continues to maintain a community blog at Enter your email address, click subscribe, once you receive an email, verify your address by clicking on the provided link.

Please be reminded of the following covenant concerns brought to the Board by RP residents:

No vehicles shall be parked on any street in the subdivision. Also, no utility trailers, motor homes, or boats with trailers shall be parked for overnight (or longer) on any lot in the subdivision.

No owner of any residence shall at any one time have on the premises a total of more than two dogs or two cats. Any dog or cat on any lot shall be kept on a proper leash or inside a fence at all times. No dog or cat shall be allowed to run free except on his owner’s lot.

Proper maintenance (to fencing) shall include, but not be limited to, staining
and /or sealing, or pressure washing all fences at least bi-annually to maintain an attractive appearance and to protect fence from weathering.

No ATV traffic is permitted on the vacant land adjacent to the subdivision. RP residents may enjoy company owned land by foot or bicycle only. Absolutely no hunting is permitted at any time on company owned property.

Thank you in advance for your consideration in these matters and for making Riverbend Plantation a great place to live!

The Riverbend Plantation Development Group and the RPMIA, Inc. Board of Directors
would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! As always, we appreciate the fact that you have chosen Riverbend to call home. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our Association Board members or telephone Byrd and Company at 971-2600.

Street Lighting Update

The RPMIA, Inc. membership approved transfer of the street light expense from the Association to each individual lot owner’s monthly power bill remains a work in progress. In order to complete this process, we must have 100% participation from each lot owner in the subdivision. Currently, we have approximately 10 lot owners who have not signed the agreement and returned it to Flint Energies.

If every lot owner participates, each individual lot owner will be charged $3.37 per month, or $40.44 annually, for subdivision street lighting. As a result our Association dues would remain $125 per year.

If every lot owner does not participate, the RPMIA Inc. Board will be forced to increase its annual dues assessment to pay for the street light expense. The Flint Energies monthly rate for street lighting is higher to a homeowners association than it is to individual lot owners. Therefore, if 100 % of Riverbend lot owners do not participate in the transfer, the increase in dues will exceed the $3.37 monthly charge, or $40.44 annual amount, that would be payable by each lot owner. If every lot owner does not participate, the 2011 dues increase will be an estimated $60. per lot owner, raising our annual dues assessment from $125. to $185. Simply put, it is cheaper for each lot owner to pay for the lighting on your monthly power bill than it is to pay for the lights through our annual Association dues!

The deadline to participate in the transfer is December 31, 2010. If we do not have 100% participation by that date, the RPMIA, Inc. Board will proceed with budgeting that will include an Association dues increase. If you have not done so already, please contact Melanie at Flint Energies (988-3548) to complete your transfer paperwork.

Cookies with Santa

All Riverbend Plantation Kids:
You are invited to enjoy cookies with Santa!

Wednesday, December 15th
Riverbend Plantation Clubhouse

Drop by the clubhouse between
6:00 and 8:00 PM
and visit with Santa.

Cameras are welcome. Please be reminded that there will be both older and younger children present at this event.We ask that older children be especially considerate of younger ones during this special season.

Hosted by the RPD, Inc. For more information,
and RPMIA, Inc. contact 971-2600


Come and meet your neighbors and have some fun. We will steal and exchange gifts.
Bring a wrapped gift $10.00 or less, an appetizer, and a drink of your choice.

December 14, 2010
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Riverbend Plantation Clubhouse
Please contact Amy Byrd for more information at 951-0651