Friday, April 23, 2010

Pool To Open 4/24/2010


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

 Keep Warner Robins Beautiful Clean up Day

What: Keep Warner Robins Beautiful Cleanup
Where: Clean from 96/Moody intersection southward to Hilltop
park at Georgia Cooling
When: April 24th at 8 a.m.

Hello Family and Friends! Recently, I have been complaining about the enormous amount of trash on our roadsides, so I decided to quit complaining and get a team together for the Keep Warner Robins Beautiful Cleanup. Even though we are actually the county, the city is graciously providing trash bags and other supplies. My goal is to get as many volunteers as possible so that we can enjoy our lush, green roadways this spring. Please consider volunteering a couple of hours of your time. Furthermore, I'd love for all of our county neighbors to choose a section of road and join us in our endeavor.


Our taxes only go so far in this troubled economy. Let's get out there, combine our efforts, and protect the interests of OUR community. Not many outside investors will want to invest in an area that does not care about such a basic thing as litter control.

In addition, volunteering always looks good on resumes, sets a great example for our children (and teaches them NOT to litter), and may be an opportunity for extra credit at school (Earth Day is April 22nd).

CONTACT: Debra A. Jones, Executive Director
Keep Warner Robins Beautiful
City of Warner Robins
P.O. Box 1488
Warner Robins, GA 31099
(478) 929-7258

APRIL 24TH: “Warner Robins Clean Up Day”
By Cheryl Taylor, Commissioner
Keep Warner Robins Beautiful

Look out your window, do you like what you see? Maybe it could use a little bit of cleaning up?

Now you have an excuse to finally get involved in that park, street or neighborhood cleanup. Why? Because it’s Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup™ and YOU are the star! Consider yourself the “American Cleanup Idol.”

Now in its 23rd year, Keep America Beautiful is the nation’s largest annual community improvement program. More than 30,000 events are being planned in more than 15,000 communities in celebration of the Great American Cleanup™. To get the really big picture of what results this three-month event accomplished on a nationwide level in 2009, go to and click on Great American Cleanup™ Results. Amazing, yes?

But what about your own corner of the world? That’s where it all starts…with YOU!

With our weather becoming increasingly accommodating, yards all over town are being spruced up with new plants, flowers and trees. But there’s still so much left to do. So, we at Keep Warner Robins Beautiful are proposing Saturday, April 24th as the official citywide cleanup day. If you’ve already taken care of your own yard, you can help your neighbors with theirs, or even organize a group to clean up a neighborhood or another area of town. So far hundreds of volunteers have pledged to suit up in their work gloves and grubby clothes to help!

It is well documented that crime goes up in areas that are not clean or cared for. To find out how you can organize or participate in a cleanup activity, call Keep Warner Robins Beautiful at 929-7258.

Ready, Set…now, Go and CLEAN UP!