Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Riverbend Residents Share Their Views on Zoning

Check your snail-mail-box this weekend...just like residents in Southfield Plantation, some Riverbend residents are letting their voices be heard and sharing their thoughts on the current zoning. Regardless of your opinion - please email any comments to rpmiainc@windstream.net or call Byrd and Company at 478-971-2600 to discuss. If a majority of our residents either supports or opposes the HCBE zoning maps, the Association could take formal action in support of or in opposition to these maps.

Distribution from Riverbend Plantation Residents:

Distribution from Southfield Plantation Residents:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Houston County Schools- Proposed Zoning Information

The RPMIA Inc. Board of Directors is interested in your opinion on this issue. Please email any comments to rpmiainc@windstream.net or call Byrd and Company at 478-971-2600 to discuss. If a majority of our residents either supports or opposes the HCBE zoning maps, the Association could take formal action in support of or in opposition to these maps. Please let us know what you think !

Please check out the following sites for information on proposed zoning. Currently Riverbend Plantation is zoned for Warner Robins High School.

http://www.hcbe.net/ or http://www.hcbe.net/zoning.aspx

If you have an opinion on the zoning please attend one of the public forums:

27 Oct 09, 1900 @ Houston County High School
19 Nov 09, 1900 @ Warner Robins High School

And/Or include your comments:
http://www.hcbe.net/ select link to survey: Proposed Zoning Comments and Questions Survey.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Riverbend Plantation Trick-or-Treat

Riverbend Plantation Trick-or-Treaters and Parents

It's that time again when children enjoy dressing up and roaming our neighborhood, trick-or-treating in search of some of their favorite candy. To keep your little goblins safe, just take a minute and read the below tips for Halloween 10/31/2009...! Have a great and safe time this Halloween season. Booooo.....!!! Remember, if the porch light is on - trick-or-treaters are welcome.


Carry a bright flashlight to illuminate sidewalks, steps and paths.
Use fresh flashlight batteries. Check it BEFORE you leave the house.
Chemical GLOW in the DARK LIGHT STICKS can be used along with flashlights.
Go to the bathroom just before going trick and treating.
Always WALK, do not run. You can slip and fall down... OUCH...!!!
Walk SINGLE file, facing the traffic.
Cross only at corners, with adults.
DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT wear and use rollerblades to go out trick-or-treating.
DO NOT assume you have the right of way.
Because one car stops, doesn't mean others will...!
DO NOT cut across strangers yards or driveways. Trip on hoses, rakes...!
Wear a watch you can read in the dark.
Set the watch alarm if you have time limit for Trick-or-Treating.
Make sure your costumes don't drag on the ground.
Wear comfortable walking shoes, and they should fit properly.
Make sure your shoe laces are tighted tight. You can trip...!!!
Avoid wearing your mask while walking from house to house.
Carry only flexible knives, swords or other props.
Avoid pointed props such as spears, or wands that endanger other children's eyes.
Wear clothing and costumes with reflective tape or "Glow in the Dark" markings.
Visit houses that have lights on, especially houses with Halloween decorations.
Always use the front door, NEVER go to the back of a house.
Stay away from any animals that you don't know.
Please don't pet animals you know or don't know you.
Always carry a spare Halloween bag just in case yours breaks.
Always be polite. And don't forget to say "Thank You".

Friday, October 2, 2009

Movie Night 10/2/09

The Riverbend Plantation community comes together for food, fun and a family.
Thank you to all residents for attending the Dana Baker Benefit, over $2,500 was raised.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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To ensure you stay connected to what is going on in our neighborhood please sign up below or to the left for automatic community updates. By following these simple steps you will get and stay connected!
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  1. Community events
  2. Pool information
  3. Neighborhood advisories

If you have concers or questions please call me, Sharon Smith at 225-9141.